Judging the Political Tempera-ture #oxonartweeks

Merlin Brooke-Little has worked on traditional Mediaeval methods to create his Political Triptych (centre). Mixing his egg tempera deprived the children of it on toast but sacrifices had to be made.


Your Favourite Artist for PM #oxonartweeks


This year at Heyford House every visitor gets the chance to vote their favourite ArtMoreLovely Artist for PM! You can vote on the issues or the work. You decide. Don’t be swayed by the bribes of Free Chocolate or Paint for Life! Anyone can vote – even young people! Every voter has the chance of a prize draw at the end when all the names go into a hat for a prize of one piece of Art. See you there!


Oh. And what are the Issues?

Fredrica Craig: Make child care more flexible to encourage parents (or grandparents) of babies and young children to stay at home and look after their own children. You can’t pay someone to love your child.

Genny Early: Compulsory cross-border non-military National Service. To counteract petty nationalism, build cultural understanding and encourage entente (and elderflower) cordiale.

Rodas Irving: I would make it compulsory to own one of my Oak sculptures.

Merlin Brooke-Little: I will dissect your joy and aspirations, fears and anxieties and cut and paste them into a collage of hope…

Sue Abbiss-Stubbs: I would give each and every person in the country a chocolate allowance. Oh, and I would ban all cruel sports and impose severe financial penalties on those who chose to flout the law; the proceeds of which would go charities related to animal welfare.

Abigail Boisot: Equality for women in all aspects of life. Free childcare from six months to school. Banning factory farming and live exports.

Tony Davis: Free paint for life and a 90% Tax on anyone who says ‘No’ to something positive.

Edmund Blok: Total change in the aesthetic of architectural new builds. More fresh and stimulating along the lines of the Scandinavian model, rather than the soulless, depressing monotony of the present template.

Marten Sealby: I would bring in a law to show people how getting off their backside leads to real results. Look at me after all!

Blank Canvas for #OxfordArtWeeks


More work. More Artists. More Blank Canvases to cover…

Kath, Sue, Marten, and Abigail painting the Walls at Heyford House in prep for two rooms filled with energy and pigment.

Visit us soon! We’re showing on these dates:

9-6 – Sat/Sun/BankHolidayMonday – 2/3/4 May
9-6 – Sat/Sun – 9/10 May

Artmorelovely meet for #oxfordartweeks

The Artists exhibiting at Heyford House (Venue 96) met yesterday to discuss exciting plans including the first Pop-up Pop-Art(weeks) Restaurant! Watch this space for more details.


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